Heavy duty modular trailers
The modular system allows taller cargo to sit closer to the road, and for various ground pressures to be achieved by sharing the load over more axles and a larger area. It also allows for more difficult driving routes to be utilised as different configurations give more manoeuvrability. Using options such as a girder frame also allows the load to be lifted and lowered throughout the transportation to clear bridges and walls.
Allelys own 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 axle combination sets allowing for variable trailer lengths and multiple widths. They also provide the in-house engineering team with the flexibility to specify the optimum transport configuration for even the most challenging of loads.
Our fleet
Modular trailers are most commonly used when longer transport routes are required. The trailers are operated in conjunction with a tractor unit. We’ve categorised our fleet into bogies, drawbar / flat top trailers and vessel bed trailers:
Bogies – a set of axles. A girder frame can be used to carry the load between the bogies or alternatively the load can span the two bogies to form a connection. To enable the bogies to turn independently of the load, a turntable can be positioned on top of the bogies.
Drawbar / flat top trailers- where a number of axles follow the drawbar. When using this method, the load sits directly on the axles.
Vessel bed trailers – where the cargo sits on beams which are positioned between two sets of axles. This methodology is ideal for routes with height restrictions as the cargo can sit directly on the beams themselves or on the flanges of the beams.