Heavy Lift & Specialist Transport
Heavy Lift & Specialist Transport

Heavy Lift & Specialist Transport

Allelys are a complete solutions provider of heavy lift and specialist transport services for the UK’s energy sectors and heavy industries.

Heavy lift and specialist transport full service solutions

Providing heavy lift and specialist transport full service solutions

Our large equipment fleet enables us to offer the full factory to foundation service across the UK and Europe.

As abnormal and indivisible load specialists, our dedicated team will work closely with each customer from assisting with the initial enquiry, developing a bespoke solution, through to project completion.

A fleet of specialist equipment

We’re problem solvers and our vast amount of knowledge and experience means we excel on even the most complex multi-modal projects. We’ve continued to invest in our equipment fleet enabling us to own and operate the very latest heavy lifting, specialist transport and installation equipment. Our fleet includes girder frames, SPMTs, modular trailers, cranes, hydraulic lift systems, skidding systems, and jacking systems.

Heavy lifting, specialist transport and installation equipment
Support projects with the full FEED process

Creating bespoke solutions

We pride ourselves on providing a unique and completely turnkey solution for each project. Our team of engineers and project managers support projects during the FEED stage with services such as route surveys and feasibility studies. In addition, our in-house design and fabrication capabilities mean that if we don’t have the suitable equipment, we’ll design and fabricate it specially.

Our heavy lift and specialist transport service is also complimented by our range of logistics solutions from warehousing and storage through to heavy haulage and industrial plant services.

Let's talk about what Allelys can do for your business

We would love to hear more about the challenges you are facing. This form below will help us understand that project better and one of our experienced members of the team will be pleased to help you.

We've been quite busy lately!

Strand jack lifts at Lostock

Allelys deliver turnkey solution at Lostock Sustainable Energy Plant.

Three abnormal loads for Hirwaun

Allelys transport and installation three abnormal loads for Hirwaun Power Station.

Allelys install 15 arch sections

Allelys played a pivotal role in supporting the Grand Surrey Canal project.

Certified marks Certified members mark Certified marks