Heavy Lift Services
Heavy Lift Services

Heavy Lift Services

Since 1959 we have provided unsurpassed service to all our valued customers, resulting in Allelys currently standing as a dominant provider in heavy lift services. Allelys is a family-owned business that you can trust to meet your demands within your budget.

Museums & Heritage Storage and Transport Solutions

Heavy lift service solutions

Allelys competently owns and operates its state-of-the-art fleet, which receives continual investment, ensuring we keep up to date with the most modern heavy lifting equipment. We maintain a wide variety of specialised equipment for all lifting purposes. For decades we have efficiently delivered complete heavy lift solutions in the UK and Europe utilising the extensive knowledge and experience of our approachable and exemplary in-house engineering team.

At Allelys, our focus is on quality and reliability. Our creative engineers offer in-depth, sector-specific experience, devising the most cost and time-efficient solution for your bespoke heavy lift demands. Allelys prides itself on its exceptional track record and design capability, accompanied by its world class number of long standing, highly trained employees.

Heavy lift specialist services

Everything we do at Allelys is fully compliant with HSEQ regulations. We have skilfully completed a large variety of high profile projects. Our sophisticated lifting fleet offers jacking systems, skidding systems, hydraulic gantries, and cranes. These range from versa lifts, franna cranes, and mobile cranes, to hydraulic lifting gantries with 900te capacity. When space is restricted on-site, meaning cranes are impractical, we offer specialist hydraulic lifting systems, enabling our heavy lift skidding systems to secure precise positioning. We also offer crane hire on a contract lift basis in addition to crane hire agreements. Meaning Allelys can undertake all the associated lifting management and responsibilities for the hirer.

Additional to Allelys’ outstanding fleet are our jacking systems, including climbing jacks, cylinder jacks, and strand jacks, providing a pivotal role in lifting and positioning heavy and awkward loads.

Energy from waste transport
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